Hi Belles,
If I could sit across from my 29-year-old self today, I wouldn’t give her a roadmap because the detours and mistakes are where I found my strength. But I would offer her a little wisdom. Not because she needed fixing, but because I wish she had been a little kinder to herself. I don’t wish I could change my
past, but I do wish I could wrap my arms around that younger version of me and whisper a few things that would’ve made the journey a little lighter.Perhaps you need to hear them, too.
Maybe you are in that season of life where you feel like you should have it
all figured out, but you’re still trying to make sense of it all. If that’s
you, these are some of the lessons I wish I had known sooner. I hope they help.
1. You Are Not Behind, Stop Rushing
At 29, I was convinced I was falling behind. Friends were buying houses,
getting married, having kids, building careers, and I felt this pressure to
keep up. What I didn’t know then is that life isn’t a race. Your path doesn’t
have to look like anyone else’s. Some people meet their person at 25, others at
45. Some hit their stride in their career at 30, others at 50. You’re not late.
You’re not early. You’re on your timeline, and there’s no deadline for joy,
love, or success. The things meant for you will arrive in their own time, and
you’ll be ready when they do.
2. Stop Settling for Half-Love and One-Sided Friendships
I spent too many years holding on to relationships that made me feel small. I
stayed because I was afraid of being alone. After all, I hoped if I just tried
harder, they’d love me the way I needed. If I could go back, I’d tell myself
this: You don’t have to beg for love, attention, or respect. The right people
will never make you feel like you’re too much or not enough. Let them go, and
make room for the people who see your worth and treat you accordingly.
3. Rest Is Productive
I wish I had realized sooner that "hustle culture" isn’t a badge of
honor; it’s a fast track to burnout. You don’t have to earn rest. You don’t
have to prove your worth by how exhausted you are. Some of my biggest
breakthroughs happened when I finally slowed down. Resting isn’t lazy; it’s how
you recharge so you can keep showing up.
4. Say Yes to the Things That Scare You
The most transformative moments of my life happened when I said yes to things
that terrified me. That flutter in your stomach when you’re about to take a big
leap? It feels a lot like fear, but it’s often just excitement for the unknown.
Do not let the discomfort of growth keep you from stepping into the life you
deserve. Fear isn’t a reason to say no; it is a sign that something amazing is
on the other side.
5. Take Care of Your Body, You’ll Thank Yourself Later
At 29, I took my health for granted. I thought my energy and resilience were
endless until they weren’t. Prioritising your health isn’t just about looking
good; it’s about feeling good. Move your body, nourish it well, and listen when
it asks you to slow down. Your future self will thank you.
6. Healing Yourself Is Your Responsibility
It’s not your fault what happened to you, but it is your responsibility to heal. Blaming others keeps you
stuck, but doing the work to process your pain and grow from it sets you free.
Therapy, coaching, journaling, reflection, whatever it takes, commit to your
7. Let Go with Love
Not everyone is meant to stay in your life forever, and that’s okay. Letting go
doesn’t have to mean bitterness or anger. Sometimes, it is the most loving thing
you can do for yourself and them. Release what no longer serves you with
grace, and trust that what is meant for you will find you.
8. The Relationship You Have with Yourself Sets the Tone for Everything Else
If you want better relationships, a fulfilling career, and a life that feels
aligned, start by working on the relationship you have with yourself. Speak
kindly to yourself. Keep promises to yourself. Prioritize your joy and
well-being. When you treat yourself with love and respect, everything else
begins to reflect that.
9. Trust Your Intuition; It’s Wiser Than You Think
Every time I ignored that little voice inside, I regretted it. I stayed in situations longer than I should have. I said yes when I meant no. I let fear talk me out of things my heart was begging for. Your intuition is your inner compass; learn to trust it. It always knows when something isn’t right.
If I could go back in time to my 29-year-old self, I wouldn’t take away the
struggles because they shaped me into who I am today. But I’d remind her to
breathe. To trust. To stop being so hard on herself.
And if you’re reading this and feeling lost,
please know that you’re right on time. You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.
What’s one thing you wish you had learned
sooner? I would love to hear your story.
I wish I had the guts to walk away and not worry, not fret about the outcome especially when it was for my own good.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing! Ahh, most of us have been there; we know better now. It is the unknown that makes the move even more exciting.
DeleteI concur with the points made in the post, and I'm looking forward to more great reads in the future!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jen! That truly means the world! I’m so glad the post resonated with you. I’ll definitely keep sharing more reflections and lessons, and I’d love to hear your thoughts along the way. If there’s anything you’d like me to dive deeper into, just let me know!