Evolve: 7 Simple Ways To Improve Your Life

 Hi Belles,  
I am on a personal development journey to fulfil my purpose and live a meaningful life and I  would like to invite you to join me. It is a "No Man Left Behind" mission. The tips and advice that I will share with you have proven successful for me, and I am confident that they will change your perspective. But, you need to take action. 
We have this notion that everything has to be perfect, or we have to be perfect for us to start anew. And this is because we fear what others will say. Do not let the fear of judgement by others stop you from evolving. Stop looking at what people on social media post; nobody is posting their failures or shortcomings. Stop drowning yourself with doubt, and ask yourself, what will I lose if I try? I can answer for you, absolutely nothing. You may make mistakes, or fail but you will learn from each try.  

Here are 7 simple ways to improve your life into being extraordinary. 

1. Meditation 
Meditation helps increase focus and attention and improves our ability to multitask. Meditation helps clear our minds and allows us to focus on the present moment, which gives us a huge productivity boost.  It also lowers the risk of depression, stress, and anxiety. Just 10 -15 minutes of meditation can make a significant difference. Find a quiet place, close your eyes, regulate your breathing, and calm your thoughts. 

2. Practice Kindness Towards People
Kindness is one of the best ways to become a better you. It can help you feel much better about yourself, and it can improve other people’s lives as well. Showing kindness requires you to become more aware of those around you. By doing so, you will notice more of what people need, even when they don’t say it. Everyday simple acts of kindness can contribute to boosting your mood, reducing stress, and possibly alleviating symptoms of depression or anxiety. 

3. Exercise More 

Regular exercise strengthens our body, boosts our energy, and makes us feel better. Try to exercise at least 3-4 times per week for at least 15 minutes. You can choose activities such as walking, running, yoga, or fitness workouts at a gym or at home.  This will not only improve your fitness but can also distract you from negative thought patterns, which can help lift your mood. 

4. Eat Healthier 
It is easier to live your best life when you feel energized and well-fuelled. Hence, what you eat has a significant influence on how you feel and perform throughout your day. Try to consume less processed food, and more nutrient-rich foods. Eating whole foods allows us to have fewer mood swings, and help with symptoms of depression and anxiety. 

5. Get Better Sleep

Good sleep is important for your mind and body health.  Proper sleep promotes growth, increases attention span and helps keep our immune system strong. When we do not get enough sleep, we are more likely to become emotionally unstable. Which can cause us to have very strong emotions, such as extreme sadness or anger. The goal is to have a consistent bedtime routine and sleep schedule to help your body stay on a regular track. Find a good time to sleep every night and wake up at the same time every morning.

6. Limit Activities That Drain You 
Have you noticed that spending time scrolling social media is sapping away your good mood, and talking with negative people is draining your energy? Try to notice what fulfils you and what drains you throughout the day. If the activities that are draining you are avoidable, then go right ahead and cut ties with them. Energy goes where energy flows, pay attention to where your energy goes. 

7. Set Boundaries, Practice Saying NO
Saying no is one way to set a boundary. The purpose of boundaries is to protect your time, energy, freedom, values, self-worth, and peace of mind. It can be easy to say yes to everyone and everything, even when you don’t feel comfortable. Saying NO  can create more mental health stability, as it allows us to value ourselves more. It also helps us prioritize ourselves, builds self-esteem and confidence and empowers our decision-making process which can lead to new opportunities that would not be possible by always saying yes.

If you implement these steps, I can guarantee that within 3 months your entire life will change. You will have more peace, be renewed, and be more focused on achieving your life goals. You will be liberated.

I hope you found this post helpful, and take action. 



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