Making Up For The Lost Years

Hi Belles, 

What is one thing that cannot be restored? ( think about it)


I know you already knew this, but you also needed the reminder. 

Today, I want to ask you one question: Why are you stuck in your past, thinking about what you have lost or could have been? Let's all agree that life has not been "life-ing"  exactly how we'd want, and complaining about it will not make it any easier. 

There are seasons of life that we go through, similar to how we go through developmental stages. You may have planned your life to the "T", whether to acquire wealth, reach your peak in a chosen career, have a family, or own a business, whatever it may be. You worked hard towards it, yet here you are, asking yourself, how did I get here? Feeling unfulfilled, thinking about the years that have been lost, which you cannot get back. 

Whether you have experienced painful, loveless, misdirected, selfless, or Christless years, yes, years where you felt like God had forsaken you. I am here to remind you that all is not lost. God will restore the years you have lost. You have to believe this with your heart and soul and stop being pitiful. God will give you back better than you have lost; he will not leave you empty. 

It is not too late to live a meaningful, happy life; it won't fall in your lap, and you will not receive it while staying in a rut. Stop thinking of the " if I had known, if I had done things differently, if had...... it is all in the past, leave it there. You now have the opportunity to be in the present to create the life you want; you have to push through no matter what obstacles may arise. I dare you not to give up on your dreams; believe in yourself for you, do it for yourself, do it for your children, do it for your family.
Ask God to restore joy unto you and guide you into your purpose. Abundance is your birthright! You were not created to be average! Let go of the past and start your journey to be extraordinary. Do not allow your attachment to the past to be greater than your commitment to the future. 
Be blessed! 



  1. This was exactly what I needed to hear after feeling dispirited....I felt you wrote this for me, thanks for sharing and giving me a well needed "boost". Sending love and light to writer.

    1. I am elated that this reminder was timely for you, and that it resonated with you. You are most welcome. You are strong and you have the courage to begin again.

  2. Yes, I have been feeling empty lately and this came right on time. I appreciate your encouraging words and high vibrations. Keep them coming. Thank you.

  3. You are most welcome. It brings me great joy knowing that I can use my experience to encourage others. Remember, gratitude eliminates negativity; focus on what you have daily so there will be no space for "emptiness". Blessings.


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